is what you may say!!
You are probably wondering why I created this web site!
There are so many of them on the internet already...
I hope that this one will be
one of
your favorites!
If you want to know more about homeschooling, what it is and what
it is not, you will find some information on this site..
My computer crashed and I lost all my data. I then concluded
that it would be easier if I created a website that would
all my favorite and helpful sites.
Be sure to check this site often.
Send it to your friends
and if you have a site or favorite links that
you would like to see
on this site...go ahead... send it to me!
If you have a great site to recommend feel free to send
it to
me so that I may add it to this web
Page created by Lara
True Light Academy.
Copyright © 2002-2006 by
Lara. All rights reserved.