Pray without ceasing


Pray without ceasing



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Our last meeting was on Monday 6 January 2003.

What an honor it was to be able to gather and meet

with saints of like precious faith.


We realize that we are living in the last days

and it is not time to hang up our armor and

let the days go by without praying and talking

to the Lord.


Several needs were brought up and we trusted

the Lord to take care of the situations and to

give us peace.


I was privileged to see my 6 year old daughter

come to me and ask me to pray with and for her.

If you know her, you know what I mean as she

tends to act bashful around other people. 


Several of the sisters gathered in a circle after

a time of individual and focused prayers.

Some of the sisters stood in the middle of the

circle and were prayed for by other sisters.


A dear sister testified about the goodness of the Lord

by telling us about a miracle that is taking place in the

life of her child.  He has been more receptive to

the Lord lately!  Praise Jesus!!! \O/


Isn't it awesome to look back and see how the Lord

has answered some specific needs in a marvelous way?


Best of all, it is a blessing to know that the Lord Jesus

Christ gives us peace even in the times of trial!


Dear saints, don't put your armor down.  Fight the

good fight and see the goodness of the Lord.


Until next time, be blessed and stay

strong in Jesus Christ!


In His Service,



Our Pastor is Brother Larry Blake




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Daughters Of Zion
Copyright © 2002-2003 by
Lara. All rights reserved.
Revised: 03/06/03